Yes, Money Really Does Grow on Trees


While thinking about how much damage the sequester is doing taking away funds from the beleaguered national parks, I imagined the trees beginning to take over Linn Cove Viaduct and fleeing homeless campers trying to find a place to live. Then I started reading a book by Tony Juniper titled What Has Nature Ever Done for us, How Money really does grow on Trees and had some hope for the future.

In 2013 this quilt was selected as part of an Invitational Exhibition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Piedmont Craftsmen that was held at Blue Spiral One Gallery in Asheville NC
In 2014 This quilt was selected and shown at American Quilter’s Society’s Chattanooga Sep10-13; in December 2014 it was selected for the Fine Contemporary Craft of the Southeast Exhibition at Artspace in Raleigh NC

Sold and hangs in a private residence in Pasadena, CA